B Corp


B Corp Certification

The term ‘responsible business’ is used a lot. But as a business, who are we actually being responsible to? Companies that are #BCorp Certified commit themselves to being responsible towards their workers, customers, communities, and the planet. And they prove it by making their impact report available to the public. It’s the responsible thing to do. Being a BCorp means that our purpose is always locked in, regardless of any future change of management or ownership.

Behind the B

The term B Corp stands for ‘B Corporation’ and the people behind the B Corp certification  are a not-for-profit organisation headquartered in the USA with offices all over the world called B Lab. They exist to help companies be better – to benefit all people. To become B Corp certified companies are assessed must  pass a minimum threshold of 80 points in their assessments. Points are awarded for how well a company is governed, how well staff are treated, and what they do to benefit communities, customers, and the environment. Once the certification has been attained, it’s about making continual improvements to create even bigger impacts through the company business model, communities, and the planet, not just them and their shareholders.

Why we became a B Corp

To show all our stakeholders that we’re serious about being a better business,

We felt the B Corp movement reflected our values and provided a strong framework from which to expand on our ideas on how the entire travel industry can make a positive difference to the world. Whether  on business, on holiday or on a study tour Reho Travel is committed to making a difference to the world that our clients travel to. We are also committed to influencing the entire travel industry in considering the complete supply chain.

Our Purpose

Reho Travel is proud to be the first Travel Management company in the world to achieve B Corp certification.  We know that corporate travel can often be a balance of need v impact. Australians need to get on a plane to travel overseas so we recognise that our role is to help them reduce the impact of their travel. We assist our clients to develop a more sustainable travel policy, and strive to educate our suppliers in the value of improving their supply chain.

Our People

Reho Travel provides an inclusive, safe, and supportive environment, reflected in our low attrition rate, with most team members having been with us for over a decade. As part of our proactive approach to team wellbeing, we offer a comprehensive staff support package, including ten days of paid wellbeing leave, two days of paid volunteer leave, and activities that promote health and fitness.

We’re also proud of our industry-leading parental leave policy, designed to create an empowered and inclusive workplace for all team members, ensuring they feel supported at every stage of their journey with us.

The Future

We would like to see an industry where customers are choosing an airline for its low fuel consumption, a hotel in the developing world for its labour practices, a tour company that involves the local community and books them all with a travel agency that has the awareness and experience to guide them toward suppliers that have a positive impact on the world.

Our Environment

Reho Travel is proud to be carbon neutral, offsetting with Seeds for Timor, Cooktops in Uganda and Forest regeneration in Tasmania.  Reho Study Tours has developed an app which has reduced the need to print 7,000 itinerary pages annually In addition, we identify, measure, and report our clients carbon emissions, and offer Carbon Neutral Study Tours. No new brochures are delivered to our office and disposable coffee cups and single use plastic is not allowed.

Our Customers

Our focus is to help guide our customers on their purpose driven journey.   We encourage travellers to visit underdeveloped countries that are doing amazing things, so they back bring the stories and encourage others to visit these areas to discover it for themselves. Our Study Tours influence students to have a positive impact on their friends, family, the university, and the destinations they visit. Whilst many of our corporate clients are organisations with a shared value strategy that looks at the bigger picture and aligns it to a larger purpose. 

Our Community

We are focused on living our purpose and giving back where we believe it is needed most. Each staff member can take two days paid volunteer leave each year, volunteering can be taken locally or overseas with a charitable client or the charity of the staff members choice. Our five-year partnership with Empower Projects resulted in the establishment of the Timbiri Savings and Credit Cooperative in Malawi, supporting its journey towards becoming a respected self-sustaining community institution in 2021.  

In October 2023 we announced an exciting partnership with Underwater Cinema, a social enterprise in Timor Leste, that promotes environmental conservation and empowers the youth of Timor Leste. Led by marine environmentalist Dedy Kayaka, the project focuses on educating the locals about the importance of preserving marine ecosystems. Using snorkelling and free diving to introduce them to the sea’s wonders and involve the local community in beach cleaning activities. Reho Travel’s support includes providing logistical assistance, equipment, training for Timorese instructors, and facilitating interactions with our study tour students. This partnership exemplifies the potential for positive change when businesses and social enterprises come together for a common cause. Learn more